Phosphorous Removal
The nutrient Phosphorous is frequently a limiting factor for wastewater systems that disperse to fresh water bodies. Excess concentration of the nutrient causes algae growth that consumes vital oxygen. Wastewater effluent is a major contributor to this problem and the focus of regulatory initiatives at the federal a, state, and local levels.
The challenge? Make phosphorous removal both effective and affordable. AquaPoint has helped design and supply some of the most advanced and effective solutions to date.
Fairfield, PA
- Treatment Objective – Nutrient Removal (< 8 mg/l Total-N, < 1 mg/l Total-P)
- Technology – AquaCELLTM MBBR (Aerobic & Anoxic) w/ chemical addition
- Design Flow / Peak Day Flow – 0.3 MGD / 0.6 MGD
- Disposal: Surface Water
Fairfield, PA Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Snapshot »
Phosphorous Removal Project Snapshots
Tioga Downs Resort and Casino, Nichols, NY
- Treatment Objective – Nutrient Removal (< 8 mg/l Total-N, < 1 mg/l Total-P)
- Technology – AquaCELLTM MBBR (Aerobic & Anoxic) w/ chemical addition
- Design Flow – 0.125 MGD
- Disposal: Surface Water
Copake Lake, Columbia County, NY
- Treatment Objective – Phosphorus Removal (< 1 mg/l Total-P)
- Technology – BioclereTM w/ chemical addition
- Design Flow – 5,000 gpd
- Disposal: Surface Water
London, UK
- Treatment Objective – Phosphorus Removal (< 1 mg/l Total-P)
- Technology – BioclereTM w/ chemical addition
- Design Flow – 10,000 gpd
- Disposal: Surface Water