Bioclere Wastewater Treatment
AquaCELL & AquaFAS Wastewater Treatment
Project Snapshots
Skaket Corner, Orleans, MA
- Treatment Objective – High Strength / Total Nitrogen Removal (< 10 mg/l)
- Technology – Bioclere™
- Design Flow – 20,000 gpd
Fairfield, PA
- Treatment Objective – Fairfield required a cost-effective upgrade to both capacity and treatment capability for disposal to the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
- Technology – AquaCELL MBBR™
- Design Flow – 0.6 MGD Peak Day, 0.3 MGD Avg. Day
Highfill, AR
- Treatment Objective – Ammonia removal (< 2 mg/l NH3)
- Technology – AquaCELLTM MBBR
- Design Flow – 0.1 MGD (Expandable to 0.2 MGD)
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
- Treatment Objective – Provide advanced, distributed treatment systems - easy-to-install and operate – to encompass residential, medical, food service, industrial and recreational facilities across 7 sites.
- Technology – Bioclere™
- Design Flow – 0.24 MGD
With a 100% approval record, our technology is independently validated by the EPA, ETV, USGBC, WERF, NASA and the US Navy, among others.